I’m so annoyed. I have notifications for Twitter, turned on, simply because I’d like to know when my favorite posts post. ever today is sending me a notification approximately one every second. I’m not kidding 7×2 per second if that’s even possible seems less like a notification that someone has tweeted and more of like a notification of likes on a post raising or something it might be ever post. I’ve seen on Twitter or Facebook before and I like to ride up there by the 2nd by the 100’s. I wonder what it must be like to get a viral tweet and of course nothing no rights has ever gone viral. I wonder if it even has been read there’s something fishy about these notifications I’m getting like I said they seem like they are alerts of something else. Anyway.. so I started recording my screen to add relevance to what I was saying .. boom! The tweet notifications stopped instantly ! Merci! Merci Beaucoup, asshats!!

